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Finding Purpose Through Foster Warriors: A Life-Changing Journey of Mentorship and Service



I know what it feels like to be without a home, to lack the comfort, safety, and security that so many people take for granted. The feeling of not having a place to call your own is something that stays with you, and it’s a reality for so many foster youth who are forced to grow up fast, face the world alone, and overcome unimaginable challenges. That’s why I’ve dedicated myself to working with foster youth since I was released from prison over three years ago, and I am incredibly grateful to be a part of the Foster Warriors™ organization.

Through mentoring, coaching, and speaking to foster youth across Los Angeles, I’ve witnessed their resilience, strength, and selflessness firsthand. These young people have been dealt some of life’s hardest blows, yet they continue to push forward with determination and courage that is nothing short of inspiring. Being part of Foster Warriors has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and today, I want to share why this organization means so much to me and how it’s changing lives.

The Journey to Foster Warriors

My journey with foster youth began when I started working with the Los Angeles County Office of Education, mentoring and coaching young individuals who, despite their difficult circumstances, showed a remarkable capacity for hope and resilience. I remember one young woman in particular, who told me how she had to drop out of school to care for her two younger siblings—also in the foster system. She gave up her own dreams and goals to adopt her siblings and provide them with a stable home. Her selflessness was humbling and inspiring. She’s an amazing human being, and stories like hers are why I continue to work with these incredible young people.

It was through this work that I was introduced to the Foster Warriors program, an initiative that pairs foster youth with Navy SEALs and other veterans in a 24-hour challenge designed to build grit, resilience, and self-worth. I met the founder of Foster Warriors at an event, and after hearing about the incredible work they were doing with foster youth, I was in. I knew this was a cause I had to be a part of.

The 24-Hour Challenge: A Test of Endurance and Growth

The first time I participated in the Foster Warriors 24-Hour Challenge was an experience I will never forget. Alongside a group of foster youth and Navy SEALs, we hiked for miles and miles, pushing ourselves physically and mentally. It wasn’t just the walking—it was staying awake for over a day straight, doing training sessions between hikes that included lessons on psychology, breathing techniques, meditation, and even yoga. Every step was a challenge, but it was also a reminder of what these foster youth face every day—obstacles that seem insurmountable, yet they continue to press on with strength and determination.

The experience was more than just physically demanding; it was transformative. These young people—many of whom have never had the stability of a family or a place to call home—were given the tools to build their confidence, to believe in their worth, and to connect with mentors who genuinely care about their future. It was incredible to witness how this challenge brought them together and how it helped them discover their inner strength and build lifelong bonds of trust and mentorship.

Why Foster Youth Need Our Support

Foster youth are some of the most vulnerable individuals in our society. In California alone, over 4,500 young people age out of the foster system each year, often unprepared for the realities of adulthood. Many face homelessness, struggle to find work, and lack the support systems that most of us rely on. The statistics are staggering: nearly 30% of foster youth become homeless, 24% don’t graduate high school, and many report zero earnings in the first five years after leaving the system. These young people need guidance, mentorship, and someone to believe in them.

That’s why programs like Foster Warriors are so important. By pairing foster youth with mentors—veterans who have faced their own set of challenges and adversities—we give them the support and life skills they need to build a better future. These mentors teach resilience, grit, and the importance of self-worth. They show these young people that no matter where they come from, they have the power to shape their own destiny.

The Power of Mentorship: A New Mission for Veterans

Foster Warriors isn’t just about helping foster youth—it’s also about giving veterans a new mission. Many veterans, after leaving the military, struggle to find a sense of purpose in civilian life. Foster Warriors offers them a way to continue serving, by becoming mentors to foster youth who desperately need their guidance and support. This mentorship not only helps foster youth, but it also provides veterans with the opportunity to apply the skills they’ve learned in the military—resilience, leadership, teamwork—to a noble cause that changes lives.

The bonds formed between foster youth and their mentors go beyond the 24-hour challenge. These relationships become a source of ongoing support, with mentors continuing to guide their mentees long after the challenge is over. It’s a cycle of growth and empowerment that benefits both the youth and the veterans, creating a lasting impact on everyone involved.

My Personal Mission: Helping Those Who Face Adversity

Being a part of Foster Warriors has allowed me to fulfill my personal mission of helping people who are dealing with adversity. I know what it’s like to face challenges, to feel like you have no place in the world, and to wonder if you’ll ever find your way. These foster youth are facing those same struggles, and it’s our responsibility to step up and offer them the support and mentorship they need to thrive.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this incredible program. It’s been a blessing to work alongside veterans and other volunteers who are just as passionate about helping these young people as I am. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of foster youth—one challenge at a time.

How You Can Help: Support Foster Warriors

Foster Warriors is an incredible organization that is truly changing lives, and we need your help to continue our mission. Whether you donate, volunteer, or simply spread the word, every bit of support helps us reach more foster youth who need guidance and mentorship.

If you’re looking for a way to make a real impact, I encourage you to visit the Foster Warriors website to learn more about how you can get involved. It’s an eye-opening, life-changing experience to be a part of this program, and I can promise you that it will be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do.

Conclusion: Making a Difference, One Step at a Time

At the end of the day, we can’t solve all of the world’s problems. But we can make a difference in the lives of individuals who need us the most. Foster Warriors is doing just that—providing foster youth with the support, mentorship, and life skills they need to overcome adversity and build a better future. I’m proud to be a part of this mission, and I hope you’ll join us in helping these incredible young people find their place in the world.



Take Care, and Keep Battling!

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