Carlos Vasquez – How to Battle An entrepreneur, author, speaker, and personal and professional development coach, Carlos Vasquez’s journey from incarceration to inspiration exemplifies the profound might of resilience and determination. Thu, 10 Oct 2024 15:01:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Carlos Vasquez – How to Battle 32 32 Thu, 10 Oct 2024 06:38:53 +0000 Finding Purpose Through Foster Warriors: A Life-Changing Journey of Mentorship and Service



I know what it feels like to be without a home, to lack the comfort, safety, and security that so many people take for granted. The feeling of not having a place to call your own is something that stays with you, and it’s a reality for so many foster youth who are forced to grow up fast, face the world alone, and overcome unimaginable challenges. That’s why I’ve dedicated myself to working with foster youth since I was released from prison over three years ago, and I am incredibly grateful to be a part of the Foster Warriors™ organization.

Through mentoring, coaching, and speaking to foster youth across Los Angeles, I’ve witnessed their resilience, strength, and selflessness firsthand. These young people have been dealt some of life’s hardest blows, yet they continue to push forward with determination and courage that is nothing short of inspiring. Being part of Foster Warriors has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and today, I want to share why this organization means so much to me and how it’s changing lives.

The Journey to Foster Warriors

My journey with foster youth began when I started working with the Los Angeles County Office of Education, mentoring and coaching young individuals who, despite their difficult circumstances, showed a remarkable capacity for hope and resilience. I remember one young woman in particular, who told me how she had to drop out of school to care for her two younger siblings—also in the foster system. She gave up her own dreams and goals to adopt her siblings and provide them with a stable home. Her selflessness was humbling and inspiring. She’s an amazing human being, and stories like hers are why I continue to work with these incredible young people.

It was through this work that I was introduced to the Foster Warriors program, an initiative that pairs foster youth with Navy SEALs and other veterans in a 24-hour challenge designed to build grit, resilience, and self-worth. I met the founder of Foster Warriors at an event, and after hearing about the incredible work they were doing with foster youth, I was in. I knew this was a cause I had to be a part of.

The 24-Hour Challenge: A Test of Endurance and Growth

The first time I participated in the Foster Warriors 24-Hour Challenge was an experience I will never forget. Alongside a group of foster youth and Navy SEALs, we hiked for miles and miles, pushing ourselves physically and mentally. It wasn’t just the walking—it was staying awake for over a day straight, doing training sessions between hikes that included lessons on psychology, breathing techniques, meditation, and even yoga. Every step was a challenge, but it was also a reminder of what these foster youth face every day—obstacles that seem insurmountable, yet they continue to press on with strength and determination.

The experience was more than just physically demanding; it was transformative. These young people—many of whom have never had the stability of a family or a place to call home—were given the tools to build their confidence, to believe in their worth, and to connect with mentors who genuinely care about their future. It was incredible to witness how this challenge brought them together and how it helped them discover their inner strength and build lifelong bonds of trust and mentorship.

Why Foster Youth Need Our Support

Foster youth are some of the most vulnerable individuals in our society. In California alone, over 4,500 young people age out of the foster system each year, often unprepared for the realities of adulthood. Many face homelessness, struggle to find work, and lack the support systems that most of us rely on. The statistics are staggering: nearly 30% of foster youth become homeless, 24% don’t graduate high school, and many report zero earnings in the first five years after leaving the system. These young people need guidance, mentorship, and someone to believe in them.

That’s why programs like Foster Warriors are so important. By pairing foster youth with mentors—veterans who have faced their own set of challenges and adversities—we give them the support and life skills they need to build a better future. These mentors teach resilience, grit, and the importance of self-worth. They show these young people that no matter where they come from, they have the power to shape their own destiny.

The Power of Mentorship: A New Mission for Veterans

Foster Warriors isn’t just about helping foster youth—it’s also about giving veterans a new mission. Many veterans, after leaving the military, struggle to find a sense of purpose in civilian life. Foster Warriors offers them a way to continue serving, by becoming mentors to foster youth who desperately need their guidance and support. This mentorship not only helps foster youth, but it also provides veterans with the opportunity to apply the skills they’ve learned in the military—resilience, leadership, teamwork—to a noble cause that changes lives.

The bonds formed between foster youth and their mentors go beyond the 24-hour challenge. These relationships become a source of ongoing support, with mentors continuing to guide their mentees long after the challenge is over. It’s a cycle of growth and empowerment that benefits both the youth and the veterans, creating a lasting impact on everyone involved.

My Personal Mission: Helping Those Who Face Adversity

Being a part of Foster Warriors has allowed me to fulfill my personal mission of helping people who are dealing with adversity. I know what it’s like to face challenges, to feel like you have no place in the world, and to wonder if you’ll ever find your way. These foster youth are facing those same struggles, and it’s our responsibility to step up and offer them the support and mentorship they need to thrive.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this incredible program. It’s been a blessing to work alongside veterans and other volunteers who are just as passionate about helping these young people as I am. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of foster youth—one challenge at a time.

How You Can Help: Support Foster Warriors

Foster Warriors is an incredible organization that is truly changing lives, and we need your help to continue our mission. Whether you donate, volunteer, or simply spread the word, every bit of support helps us reach more foster youth who need guidance and mentorship.

If you’re looking for a way to make a real impact, I encourage you to visit the Foster Warriors website to learn more about how you can get involved. It’s an eye-opening, life-changing experience to be a part of this program, and I can promise you that it will be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do.

Conclusion: Making a Difference, One Step at a Time

At the end of the day, we can’t solve all of the world’s problems. But we can make a difference in the lives of individuals who need us the most. Foster Warriors is doing just that—providing foster youth with the support, mentorship, and life skills they need to overcome adversity and build a better future. I’m proud to be a part of this mission, and I hope you’ll join us in helping these incredible young people find their place in the world.



Take Care, and Keep Battling!

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]]> Thu, 26 Sep 2024 02:08:32 +0000 Making a Difference with Youth Champions: A Personal Reflection on Changing Lives


I wanted to share an incredible organization with a special place in my heart—Youth Champions. I’ve been involved with Youth Champions for about three years, shortly after I got out of prison, and in that time, I’ve witnessed first-hand the transformative impact this organization has on the lives of young people. Youth Champions has touched countless lives, from its humble beginnings to the powerful force for good that it is today, and I’m honored to be a part of that journey.

Growing Together: Youth Champions’ Impact

I’ve seen Youth Champions evolve and expand its reach in just a few years. This year, we’ve enrolled nearly 300 students, a significant increase from last year, and each one of these kids is part of something bigger—a community dedicated to teaching the essential qualities they need to succeed in life beyond high school. Through workshops, mentorship, and immersive experiences, Youth Champions empowers young people with the skills, mindset, and support they need to face the future confidently.

A Recent Event: Bringing Students Together

This past weekend, we hosted a gathering at the San Marino Community Center, an event that genuinely exemplified what Youth Champions is all about. We brought over 150 kids from schools across Los Angeles, organizing transportation, activities, and a day full of learning and connection. It was more than just an event—it was a chance for students to meet their peers, get to know the facilitators, and interact with incredible volunteers who dedicated their time to making this day unforgettable.

A Day of Learning: Workshops That Make a Difference

We set up several workshops at the event designed to inspire and educate. These were led by volunteers and industry experts who came in to share their knowledge on a range of critical topics for today’s youth. From artificial intelligence and its ethical applications in schools to financial literacy topics like the basics of 401(k) savings, we covered essential life skills that aren’t always taught in classrooms.

We also focused on areas of personal development such as grit, resiliency, confidence, and communication. Each station was interactive, allowing students to learn new concepts, form connections, and build friendships. The energy in the room was electric as students left each station with new knowledge and a sense of empowerment.


youth champion

The Power of Community: Coming Together for Change

I was honored to organize the incredible individuals who led these workshops. They were all there for one reason—to give back to these kids, to show them that they matter, and to equip them with tools for success. It was a prime example of what happens when people unite unselfishly for a greater purpose.

Seeing this community effort firsthand reminded me why Youth Champions is so essential. Our duty is to invest in the next generation and help them grow into the leaders and changemakers of tomorrow. The gathering this past weekend wasn’t just about learning; it was about creating lasting connections, instilling confidence, and showing these young people that there are adults who care deeply about their future.

A Call to Action: Get Involved with Youth Champions

Youth Champions is genuinely changing lives, and you can get involved in so many ways. Whether you volunteer your time, donate, or simply spread the word, every action helps move the needle forward. Please visit Youth Champions’ website to learn more about how you can support our mission. There’s always a need for extra hands, especially as we continue to grow and welcome more students into the program.

As the lead facilitator at Youth Champions, I have the privilege of working with a dedicated group of facilitators who share my passion for making a difference. Together, we strive to become better versions of ourselves to provide the best possible guidance to our students. It’s my purpose to help these kids, and I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to do so.

Why This Matters: Making an Impact

Being a part of Youth Champions is one of the most fulfilling things I have done in my life. There’s nothing quite like seeing a student’s face light up when they grasp a new concept or realize they have support. The joy in their eyes is priceless, and knowing I’m part of a team that makes this happen is deeply rewarding.

Suppose Youth Champions doesn’t resonate with you. In that case, I encourage you to find another way to give back—whether volunteering in your local community or supporting a cause you believe in. We can’t solve all of the world’s problems, but we can make a difference for one person at a time. It starts with taking that first step and becoming a leader in your community.


Youth Champions is making a real impact in the lives of young people, and I am proud to be part of this transformative organization. Moments like this past weekend remind me of how important it is for us to come together and invest in the future—our youth. I hope you’ll consider joining us on this journey as a volunteer, donor, or supporter.

Remember, the most minor actions can lead to the most significant changes. We can’t solve every issue, but by stepping up and helping where we can, we pave the way for a better future. Let’s make that difference—one step at a time.


Take Care, and Keep Battling!

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Get my new book Warrior In The Garden- 7 Rules for Men on Amazon

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]]> Mon, 09 Sep 2024 08:00:14 +0000 My Leadership Training Experience at Google: A Journey of Transformation


Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to lead a leadership training session at Google’s Playa Vista campus in California. This was more than just a professional engagement; it was a meaningful experience that allowed me to connect with a diverse group of individuals and share my insights on transformative leadership. I am deeply grateful to my friends at Google for providing me with this platform and to all the participants who made the session an overwhelming success. In this blog, I want to reflect on the experience, the impact it had, and how it reinforced my belief in the power of effective leadership.

google visitMy relationship with Google goes back many years, rooted in a mutual commitment to growth and innovation. Google has been more than just a business partner; the people there have been instrumental in supporting the foundation of my work and the growth of my company. Over the years, this bond has evolved, leading to collaborative opportunities like the leadership training session I recently conducted.

The trust and support from my friends at Google have been invaluable, and this training session was a testament to the strength of our relationship.

The leadership training session at Google was a unique and enriching experience. I was invited by a close friend who leads the Lead Generation team at Google—a team composed of highly intelligent individuals from various corners of the world. The diversity within the group was both a challenge and an opportunity. It required me to adapt my leadership principles to resonate with a global audience, each bringing their own perspectives and experiences. Despite the challenges, the session was incredibly successful, and the feedback I received was both humbling and inspiring.

One of the key challenges in leading such a diverse group is understanding and respecting the cultural differences that each participant brings to the table. Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all approach; it requires sensitivity to these differences and the ability to adapt strategies accordingly. During the training, I focused on creating an inclusive environment where every participant felt valued and heard. This not only enhanced the effectiveness of the training but also reinforced the importance of diversity in leadership.

Central to the success of the leadership training was the application of my P.R.I.C.E. Methodology—an approach I have developed and refined over the years. I demonstrated how these principles can be applied in real-world scenarios, especially in high-pressure environments like those at Google. The methodology is designed to be adaptable, making it relevant across industries, from tech to manufacturing.


Key Takeaways from the Google Leadership Training

The feedback from the participants at Google was overwhelmingly positive, and it highlighted the key takeaways from the session. These testimonials not only affirmed the effectiveness of the P.R.I.C.E. Methodology but also provided valuable insights into what resonated most with the group.

Ownership of Destiny and Accountability

One of the major takeaways was the concept of ownership and accountability. Participants appreciated the emphasis on being accountable for their actions, which they found crucial for both personal happiness and achieving their goals. This principle encourages leaders to take control of their destiny, fostering a proactive and responsible leadership style.

The Power of Words in Leadership

Another significant takeaway was the power of words. The participants were struck by the idea that the words we choose can have a profound impact on others, even in brief interactions. This reinforced the importance of mindful communication in leadership, where every word can shape perceptions and outcomes.

The Role of Education in Leadership

Education, both traditional and non-traditional, was another theme that resonated with the group. The session reminded participants of the value of continuous learning and the importance of being grateful for the education they have received. This takeaway underlined the role of knowledge in empowering leaders and shaping their ability to lead effectively.

Personal Reflections on Leadership and Influence

Throughout the session, I shared personal reflections on the nature of leadership and influence. One of the ideas I explored was the concept of a common connection—we are all fortunate to have been influenced by great leaders at some point in our lives. These leaders may be people we’ve met or simply figures we admire from afar, but their impact is undeniable.

Influence from Afar: Leaders We’ve Never Met

Sometimes, the most profound influence comes from leaders we’ve never met. Whether it’s a character in a book, a story, or a social media influencer, these figures can guide and inspire us just as much as those we interact with directly. This idea resonated with many participants, who shared their own experiences of being inspired by distant figures.

The Myth of the ‘Self-Made’ Leader

I also addressed the common myth of the ‘self-made’ leader. In reality, no one achieves success entirely on their own. There are always people behind the scenes—mentors, colleagues, friends—who contribute to our journey. Recognizing these contributions is crucial for understanding the true nature of leadership and success.

The Reality of Negative Leadership

However, not all leadership influences are positive. In today’s world, we sometimes encounter leaders who lead through selfishness or negativity. These experiences, while challenging, offer valuable lessons. By learning from negative leadership, we can strive to be better leaders ourselves, leading with love, empathy, and compassion.

The Purpose of My Leadership Program

The purpose of my leadership program is to share the principles and experiences that have shaped me as a leader. The P.R.I.C.E. Methodology is at the heart of this program, designed to create transformative leaders across various industries. Whether in tech, manufacturing, or any other field, these principles are adaptable and impactful, providing leaders with the tools they need to inspire and lead effectively.


Testimonials from Google Participants: Real Impact

The impact of the leadership training session was evident in the testimonials shared by the participants. Here are a few that particularly stood out:

“Probably the most memorable moment during my time at Google.”

“You are the owner of your destiny and by being accountable for your actions, you will be both happier and also increase the likelihood of achieving your goals.”

“PRICE – loved the idea of how a strong purpose and challenging yourself and people around you makes an important component of leadership. Also, thank you for sharing an inspiring story that gives a lot of perspectives.”

“Biggest takeaway was learning about the power of words, especially the power your words can have on others even if only in a brief interaction.”

“Your educated mind is the most powerful thing in the world while the words you speak can have infinite impact.”

“Perspective! Life is a lot bigger than these 4 walls. How you impact a person day-to-day is a lot bigger than you may think.”

“This session reminded me to be very grateful for the education I have received so far in my life. I love that you emphasized the importance of education, whether it be through traditional means or something nontraditional.”


As leaders, we have a moral obligation to inspire and transform. The impact of effective leadership extends beyond the workplace—it influences lives and shapes the future. My hope is that the principles shared in this session will inspire others to take up the mantle of leadership and make a positive difference in their organizations and communities.


Extending the Invitation: Join the Transformative Leadership Journey

I want to extend an invitation to anyone interested in transformative leadership to explore the P.R.I.C.E. Methodology further. This two-hour interactive training program, complete with Q&A, is designed to equip leaders with the tools they need to lead effectively in any industry. If you’re interested in learning more or bringing this program to your organization, please reach out.

Reflecting on the leadership training session at Google, I am filled with gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose. The experience not only reinforced the principles I’ve developed over the years but also confirmed the importance of sharing these insights with others. Leadership is a journey—one that requires continuous learning, resilience, and a commitment to making a positive impact. I look forward to continuing this journey with others who are equally passionate about transformative leadership.



How can the P.R.I.C.E. Methodology be adapted for different industries?

The PRICE Methodology is highly adaptable and can be applied across various industries, including tech, manufacturing, and more. The key is to tailor the principles to fit the specific needs and challenges of the industry.

What makes this leadership training different from others?

This leadership training is unique in its focus on transformative leadership. It’s not just about developing skills; it’s about changing mindsets and inspiring leaders to make a lasting impact.

How can I get involved in the leadership training program?

If you’re interested in participating in or organizing a leadership training session, please reach out to me. We can discuss how the program can be tailored to meet the needs of your organization or team.

]]> Mon, 12 Aug 2024 13:43:40 +0000 Unlocking Success: The PRICE Method to Achieve Your Goals

Success is not an accident; it is the result of deliberate actions, consistent effort, and a clear understanding of what truly drives you. This is the foundation of the PRICE Method, a powerful framework I’ve developed to help you achieve personal success by focusing on five essential principles: Purpose, Routine, Inspiration, Confidence, and Education. After years of overcoming significant challenges, including 17 years in prison with three in solitary confinement, I have learned firsthand the transformative power of these principles. Today, I’m excited to share them with you in my course, designed to help you find more meaning in your life, accomplish your goals, and ultimately unlock your true potential.


  1. Purpose: The Foundation of Your Journey

Purpose is the cornerstone of success. It’s about identifying your “why”—the driving force behind your daily actions. In the course, we delve into how to discover your purpose, craft a personal mission and vision statement, and align your life’s actions with this newfound clarity. Purpose doesn’t have to be something grand; it can start small, like caring for a loved one, and evolve as you grow. What matters is that you have a direction and a reason to keep moving forward.

  1. Routine: The Daily Blueprint for Success

Once you’ve identified your purpose, the next step is to establish a routine that supports it. Success is built on consistent, daily actions that align with your goals. Whether you aspire to be an athlete, a doctor, a mechanic, or excel in any other field, your routine is crucial. This course will help you design a daily routine incorporating goal-oriented activities and practices like gratitude. Remember, small, consistent efforts compound over time, leading to significant growth and success.

  1. Inspiration: Fuel for Your Ambitions

Inspiration is the fuel that keeps you going, especially when motivation is lacking. It’s essential to find sources that push you to pursue your goals and maintain your routine. Whether it’s through books, mentors, music, or vision boards, inspiration plays a critical role in keeping you focused and driven. The course will guide you in identifying what personally inspires you and how to leverage it to overcome challenges and stay on track.

  1. Confidence: The Courage to Pursue Your Dreams

Confidence is the courage to pursue your goals and step outside your comfort zone. It involves taking risks, trying new things, and celebrating small victories. Building confidence requires positive self-talk, pushing through fear, and avoiding comparisons with others. The course emphasizes the importance of striving to be better each day than you were the day before. You’ll also learn how developing habits like regular exercise and continuous learning can significantly boost your confidence over time.

  1. Education: The Key to Lifelong Growth

Education is the foundation of all other principles. It encompasses self-learning, formal education, and a commitment to continual growth. Education deepens your understanding of your purpose, helps you establish effective routines, provides inspiration, and strengthens your confidence. No matter your background, education levels the playing field and unlocks opportunities for personal and professional success. This course will encourage you to embrace lifelong learning as a critical component of your journey.


The Price method

Why This Course Matters

The principles I teach in this course have been instrumental in transforming my own life. After overcoming the challenges of incarceration, I began mentoring young people, helping them navigate their struggles using these same principles. The success of my mentorship inspired me to package this knowledge first into a book (The Price) and then into this concise yet powerful course, allowing me to reach more people and create a more lasting impact.

Who Will Benefit from This Course

This course is designed to benefit everyone, but it’s particularly focused on young people between the ages of 15 and 24, providing them with the tools and guidance they need to get the ball rolling in their lives by having a structured set of principles to help them find meaning in their lives, accomplish goals, and achieve personal success. Whether you’re facing obstacles in your personal life, career, or education, the PRICE Method offers a structured path to success.

You Will

  • Learn how to discover your true “why” and use it to guide your actions and decisions.
  • Learn the importance and steps to develop daily habits that support your goals and keep you on track.
  • Learn how to stay Motivated and find and leverage sources of inspiration that keep you focused and driven.
  • Learn to cultivate the self-assurance needed to take risks, overcome fears, and celebrate your progress.
  • Learn the importance of embracing continuous learning as a tool for personal and professional growth.

The PRICE Method is more than just a framework; it’s a mindset and a way of life. By applying these principles, you can become a better version of yourself and transform your life in ways you never thought possible. This course is your guide to achieving lasting success, no matter where you start.

Enroll Today and Start Your Journey to Success

Don’t wait for success to find you—take charge of your future by enrolling in this course today. The tools, strategies, and insights you’ll gain are designed to empower you to take control of your life and shape the future you’ve always envisioned. Whether you’re aiming to overcome personal challenges, achieve your goals, or simply become the best version of yourself, the PRICE Method will guide you every step of the way. REGISTER HERE


This course is not only a valuable resource for you but also a powerful gift for someone else, especially a young person in your life who could benefit from guidance and direction. By sharing this course, you’re giving them the most impactful gift of all: the opportunity to unlock their potential and set the stage for success. Sometimes, all it takes is the right system to turn dreams into reality, and this course provides that proven system—one that has already transformed the lives of countless young people. Empower them to take that first step, and watch as they grow into the person you’ve always believed they could be.


Success is not a destination but a journey, and the PRICE Method is your guide. By focusing on Purpose, Routine, Inspiration, Confidence, and Education, you can achieve your goals and live a more meaningful life. This course is more than just a learning experience—it’s an opportunity to redefine your path and unlock the doors to a better life.



  1. What makes the PRICE Method different from other success frameworks?

The PRICE Method is unique because it is grounded in real-life experience and challenges. It focuses on practical, actionable steps that anyone can apply, regardless of their background or current situation.

  1. Is this course suitable for people outside the 15-24 age range?

Absolutely. While the course is particularly focused on young people, the principles and strategies taught are universally applicable and can benefit anyone looking to achieve their goals and transform their lives.

  1. How long does it take to see results with the PRICE Method?

Results vary depending on individual commitment and effort. However, many people begin to see positive changes within a few weeks of consistently applying the principles taught in the course.

  1. Do I need any prior knowledge or experience before taking this course?

No prior knowledge or experience is required. The course is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their starting point.

  1. How is the course delivered?

The course is delivered online through a series of video lessons, interactive exercises, and downloadable resources, allowing you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule.


Thank you for joining me on this journey.  

Take Care, and Keep Battling!

Carlos Vasquez




  • The P.R.I.C.E. (on Amazon)
    Five Principles to Break the Bonds of Trauma and Achieve Personal Success.
  • Warrior in the Garden: 7 Rules for Men (on Amazon)
    Discover what it truly means to be a man in today’s world.





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Dream Big: Clara Woods’ Journey of Art, Inclusion, and Inspiration Sun, 21 Jul 2024 20:25:07 +0000 Discover Clara Woods, an artist and model from California whose journey of resilience and talent defies expectations. Despite facing significant challenges from a perinatal stroke, Clara communicates fluently in three languages and expresses herself profoundly through art. Starting her artistic career in Florence, her exhibitions have spanned three continents, resonating globally with over 700 paintings sold. Inspired by Frida Kahlo, Clara’s vibrant art challenges perceptions, advocating for inclusivity and acceptance. Managed by her mother, Betina, Clara’s social media platforms amplify her advocacy for a barrier-free world, supported by her family’s unwavering encouragement. Clara’s story is a testament to overcoming limitations and inspiring others through her artistry. Join me in exploring her remarkable journey on the How To Battle Podcast and be inspired by Clara’s resilience and creativity.

VIDEO: Behind the scene

Pictured: Clara and her parents, Betina and Carlo


Clara Woods’s journey is profoundly inspiring and serves as motivation for everyone. Let her story empower you to chase your aspirations, conquer obstacles, and make a positive difference. Additionally, I’ve created a behind-the-scenes video on YouTube that offers a glimpse into the preparation and travel involved in recording this podcast at Clara’s headquarters. Watch the video on YouTube to discover what goes into bringing these conversations to life and gain insights into the podcasting process (insert link here).





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Transforming Struggles into Strengths: The Inspiration Behind How To Battle Podcast Sun, 21 Jul 2024 13:45:54 +0000 How To Battle with Carlos Vasquez delves into the extraordinary lives of individuals who have overcome incredible challenges to achieve success and fulfillment. This platform is more than just a podcast—it’s a movement dedicated to sharing powerful stories that inspire, uplift, and educate. By exploring the journeys of people from diverse backgrounds who have faced and conquered life’s most challenging battles, this podcast aims to motivate listeners to find strength in their struggles and transform their mindset.


Why I Launched the How To Battle Podcast
The idea for the How To Battle Podcast was born from my personal experiences and the profound impact that sharing my story had on others. Since my release from prison three years ago, I have been featured on many podcasts, with successful podcasters encouraging me to start my own. They said I had “the voice and ability to engage effectively, which would make me a good podcast host.”—who would have thought? However, the catalyst for this podcast was the release of three friends who had served long prison sentences. Their remarkable transformations and positive impact on the world today inspired me to create a platform for them and others to share their stories.


The Importance and Relevance of This Podcast
In today’s world, where negativity and despair often dominate the narrative, How To Battle stands out as a platform where you can overcome anything with hope, resilience, and proper guidance. This podcast is not just about recounting traumatic experiences; it’s about celebrating the human spirit and the power of overcoming challenges. Each episode showcases individuals who have faced or are facing adversity yet stand stronger, wiser, and more determined to make a difference in the world.


The Inspiring Stories thus far since the launch of the How To Battle Podcast 

Episode 1. Giane Lollar’s Transformative Journey
   – Giane Lollar, owner of Fatal Fit and a former prison inmate, shares his journey from gang member to certified personal trainer and nutritionist. Giane’s story is a testament to the power of self-improvement and the impact of health and fitness on personal transformation. His experiences, including traumatic incidents in his childhood and a life sentence at 17, fueled his determination to change. Today, Giane is dedicated to motivating others and proving that one’s past does not define their future.

Episode 2. Travon Harris: From Gang Life to Redemption
   – Travon Harris, a close friend and remarkable individual, opens up about his upbringing in the “Jungles” of Baldwin Hills Village in Los Angeles and his journey from gang life to personal growth. Influenced by peer pressure and cultural norms, Travon found himself entrenched in gang culture. However, his time in prison and the mentorship he received led to a profound transformation. Travon’s story highlights the power of education, self-reflection, and resilience.

Episode 3. Bryson McCalley: Building a Legacy of Change
   – Bryson McCalley, CEO and Founder of Last of a Dyng Seed, shares his journey from gang culture to professional success. Raised in Long Beach and deeply involved in criminal activities, Bryson faced multiple life sentences at 18. His turning point came in prison, where he embraced discipline, commitment, and mentorship. Now, Bryson is focused on building a global film and media empire, demonstrating the possibility of change and the importance of leaving a positive legacy.

Episode 4. Peter Meyerhoff: Journey of Transformation and Redemption
– Peter Meyerhoff, author of Against All Odds, shares his extraordinary journey from addiction, crime, and imprisonment to achieving ultimate success and fulfillment. Once entangled in a life of substance abuse and criminal activities, Peter’s turning point came after a near-fatal overdose, leading him to embrace faith, fitness, and mental health as pillars of his recovery. Emerging from prison, Peter focused on perspective, discipline, and the power of sharing his story and the stories of others through his podcast Roll Call with Chappy to rebuild his life and foster meaningful connections with others. Now a positive role model and mentor, Peter’s story is a testament to the power of transformation and the importance of staying true to oneself. Connect with Peter on Instagram.


Why This Podcast Can Benefit Everyone

The stories shared on the How To Battle Podcast are not just tales of personal accomplishment against extreme adversity but lessons in resilience, courage, and the power of the human spirit. Whether facing your battles or seeking inspiration, these narratives offer valuable insights and practical strategies for overcoming life’s most significant battles. Listening to these episodes inspires you to view your challenges differently and find strength in your struggles.


The Calling Behind the Podcast

Launching this podcast was not just a decision—it was a calling. I felt a profound responsibility to provide a platform for these incredible stories and to create a space where people can be vulnerable and share their journeys. Words have the power to hurt, heal, and inspire, and I am honored to facilitate conversations that can change lives. Through How To Battle, I am committed to helping people share their voices and experiences and inspire others.


Encouragement for Aspiring Podcasters

Starting this podcast was intimidating, but I knew I had to leap. My advice to anyone considering starting their platform is simple: just do it. Dive in, figure it out as you go, and don’t overthink it. The connections you make and the stories you share will be worth every challenge.



I invite you to join me on this journey, subscribe to the How To Battle podcast, and be inspired by the incredible individuals who have turned their struggles into strengths. Remember, we can create a world where words heal, stories inspire, and people become the best versions of themselves.

As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Each episode of this podcast reflects that sentiment, showcasing how serving others and sharing our experiences can lead to profound personal transformation.

Please read my newly released book, Warrior in the Garden: 7 Rules for Men (on Amazon now), because each man I interviewed and mentioned here has, in some way, inspired pages of this book. Their stories of resilience and growth are woven into its fabric, providing further insights and motivation for your journey.

Thank you for your support. I am committed to helping people battle and emerge victorious.


  1. What inspired you to start How To Battle?
    – My personal experiences and the transformative journeys of my friends inspired me to create a platform for sharing powerful stories of resilience and redemption.
  2. Who are some of the guests featured on the podcast?
    – The podcast features individuals like Giane Lollar, Travon Harris, Bryson McCalley, and Peter Meyerhoff, who have overcome significant challenges to achieve success and fulfillment.
  3. How can I listen to How To Battle?
     – How To Battle is available on all major podcast platforms, including YouTube.
  4. What can listeners expect from the episodes?
      – Listeners can expect inspiring stories, practical strategies for overcoming adversity, and insights into the power of resilience and personal growth.
  5. How can I support the podcast?
      – You can support the podcast by subscribing, sharing the episodes, and leaving reviews to help spread the word about the incredible stories featured on How To Battle.


Links to the Podcast:

Listen on Youtube

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Discovering Manhood: A Journey of Transformation Sat, 15 Jun 2024 09:00:32 +0000 I ran away into the streets at an early age, way before I was a man. The men and young men who embraced me quickly taught me the survival skills I needed. By the age of 18, I found myself in a courtroom, fighting for my life, facing a potential life sentence for robbery due to California’s strict gang-related laws.

At 19, I was handed a 20-year prison sentence. It was a last-minute offer from the district attorney, and I had just five minutes to make the hardest decision of my life. Reflecting on that day, making decisions as the CEO of How To Battle seems far less daunting. Entering a maximum-security prison in California, I still possessed a teenage mindset, but the harsh environment forced me to grow up quickly. Spending nearly two decades in prison, I learned the true essence of manhood. I was shaped by men from all walks of life—some great, some not—but each imparted valuable lessons. I didn’t fully appreciate their significance until I was released and reentered society after serving 17 of the 20 years I was given.

Transitioning back into the free world, I started to observe and learn from successful men around me. I noticed that they exhibited qualities and values I had acquired in prison, albeit applied differently. Traits such as self-reflection, leading by example, keeping one’s word, accountability, and discipline were as vital outside as they were behind bars. These principles became the foundation of my life and my success as a free man.

In my new book, Warrior in the Garden: 7 Rules for Men, I outline these principles—rules that every man should embody, teach their sons, and share with young men who look up to them. This book is not just for men; it’s for anyone seeking to understand what it truly means to be a man. Whether you are a young man beginning your journey, an older man seeking fulfillment, or even a woman wanting to understand the essence of masculinity, this book offers invaluable insights.

In today’s society, men often feel unfulfilled, unhappy, and unsure of their place. The noise of cancel culture and societal pressures can make it difficult for men to embrace their true selves. Yet, history has shown us the power of good men to effect positive change. We need more good men, strong leaders, and mentors to guide the next generation. Warrior in the Garden is a guide to becoming that kind of man. The rules I learned in prison and live by today have helped me achieve success, and I believe they can do the same for others. These rules are universal, timeless, and crucial for navigating the complexities of modern masculinity.

This book is dedicated to every man who has profoundly impacted my life, for better or for worse. Each encounter taught me invaluable lessons that have shaped who I am today. To Chris, my first real best friend, whose tragic departure from this world left indelible marks on my heart and mind. In our brief years together during our teens, you imparted lessons of loyalty, friendship, and dedication that have surpassed all others. You showed me that to commit to something is to give your all—100%. To the men in prison who stood by me when I was thrust into that harsh world at a young age. You taught me survival, not through force, but through guidance and wisdom, asking nothing in return but hoping to see me walk free one day, even if you couldn’t envision the same for yourselves.

To everyone reading this book: may it enlighten you, inspire change, and help you grow. May it guide you to live courageously and with integrity, no matter where you find yourself. God bless you all.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Get your copy of my book Warrior in the Garden: 7 Rules for Men on Amazon here. Discover what it truly means to be a man in today’s world.


Take Care, and Keep Battling!




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Harnessing Positive Energy: Your Pathway to New Opportunities Thu, 30 May 2024 19:49:53 +0000 Have you ever wondered if the energy you release into the world acts as a magnet for the opportunities you encounter? It’s almost as if the universe is listening, echoing back the vibes we send out. When you choose positivity and proactive energy, you will likely attract opportunities that mirror these qualities.

This isn’t just serendipity; it’s about being open, prepared, and proactive in chasing your dreams. By radiating positivity and determination, you’re not just hoping for the best—you are actively setting the stage for greatness.

Consider Nelson Mandela’s remarkable life. Despite nearly three decades in prison, he maintained his resolve, championing forgiveness and hope. His relentless positivity not only helped dismantle apartheid but also paved his path to becoming South Africa’s first black president. Mandela’s story is a testament to the transformative power of maintaining a positive outlook even in the darkest times. 

Reflecting on my own experience, I remember stepping out of solitary confinement during my 14th year in prison, having reshaped my outlook on life. Returning to the general prison yard, a hub of complex social dynamics, I noticed a shift. The energy I now embodied—one of change and positive intentions—drew people and opportunities toward me. This shift played a crucial role in my early release, as I engaged in educational and rehabilitation programs that were instrumental in my transformation. This personal journey reinforces my belief the energy you emit shapes the life you lead.

My challenge to you is to make a conscious effort to be a force of positive energy in your daily interactions. Embody the type of presence that doesn’t just light up a room but also unlocks doors to new possibilities. Here’s how you can start:

  1. Self-awareness: Regularly reflect on the type of energy you are projecting. Ask yourself, what kind of person am I? Where can I improve?
  2. Intentional Positivity: Decide each morning to radiate positivity, regardless of the challenges that come your way. It’s about choosing your attitude, even on tough days.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Embrace the journey of personal growth. Always strive to enhance your mindset and behaviors, which in turn will continue to attract more positive outcomes.

By fostering a positive life, you are not only enhancing your immediate environment but also setting the foundation for future opportunities to come your way. Start today, and watch as the world transforms around you.

My recommended read for this month is Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela.

Take Care, and Keep Battling!

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Get my new book Warrior In The Garden- 7 Rules for Men on Amazon

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